Phone Risk
A solution to obtain a phone number validation through the IFT. The Telephone Numbering Plan of the IFT (Federal Telecommunications Institute) of Mexico is the system that regulates the assignment, structure, and use of telephone numbers in the country. Its goal is to ensure the efficient use of numbering resources and facilitate communication between users.
MSLA ID complements this API with our consumer dataset to add ownership information based on the official ID number or complete names.
Before proceeding, make sure you have your jwt token, if you don't, check the login documentation.
Request header parameter​
Authorization | ✅ | string | bearer jwt token |
URL request parameter​
Phone number | ✅ | string | Phone number for land lines (10 digits) or mobiles (11 digits) | (55) 10889321 |
CURP | Optional | string | Official ID number | ZAJJ560429HTCLML06 |
Names | Optional | string | Complete names (First and Second names +Father surname+Mother surname) | JULIO CESAR ZALETAS JIMENEZ |
Status code responses​
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Not found |
500 | Internal server error. |
The full documentation error codes can be found here.
Response 200 status code​
"TELCOdata": {
"area code": "341",
"serie": "411",
"phone type": "Mobile",
"modality": "CPP",
"telco provider": "Radiomovil Dipsa SA de CV",
"location": "Ciudad Guzman",
"municipio": "Zapotlan El Grande",
"state": "Jal",
"phone status": "Valid",
"assignment date": "12/02/2001",
"consolidation date": "01/09/2001",
"migration date": "01/06/1999"
"Ownership data": {
"CURP": "ROPL570713HJCDRS00",
"names": "Jose Luis",
"father last name": "Rodriguez",
"mother last name": "Perez",
"dob": "13/07/1957",
"gender": "H",
"address": " Av Constitucion",
"exterior street number": "419",
"interior street number": "null",
"colony": " Localidad Ciudad Guzman Centro",
"location": " Ciudad Guzman",
"municipio": " Zapotlan El Grande",
"state": " Jalisco",
"postal code": " 49000"