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Phone Risk


A solution to obtain a phone number validation through ANATEL. The Numeric Telephonic Plan (Plano de Numeração Telefônica – PNT) from ANATEL (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações) in Brazil is the official system that regulates the assignment, structure, and use of telephone numbers in the country. Its purpose is to ensure an organized and efficient use of numbering resources for landline and mobile services.

MSLA ID complements this API with our consumer dataset to add ownership information based on the official ID number or complete names.

HTTP method POST​


Before proceeding, make sure you have your jwt token, if you don't, check the login documentation.

Request header parameter​

Authorization✅stringbearer jwt token

Status code responses​

200 OK
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not found
500 Internal server error.

The full documentation error codes can be found here.

URL request parameters​

Phone Number✅stringPhone number for land lines or mobiles(11) 99710-3902
CPFOptionalstringOfficial ID number06479633458
NamesOptionalstringComplete namesJesus Candido de Oliveira

Response 200 status code​

"TELCOdata": {
"area code": "11",
"serie": "5201",
"phone type": "Fixo",
"telco provider": "IO SA",
"cnpj": " 31063800000185",
"location": "Sao Paulo",
"uf": "SP",
"phone status": "1"
"Ownership data": {
"CPF": "06479634268",
"complete names": "Raimundo Juaquim Alves",
"dob": "26/12/1950",
"gender": "M"