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Phone Risk


A solution to obtain a phone number validation through ENACOM. The Numeric Telephonic Plan from ENACOM in Argentina is responsible for managing and regulating the allocation and use of numbering resources, ensuring their proper administration and compliance by telecommunications operators.

MSLA ID complements this API with our consumer dataset to add ownership information based on the official ID number.

HTTP method GET​

Request header parameter​

Authorization✅stringbearer jwt token

URI request parameter​

Phone number✅stringPhone number for land lines or mobiles(9) 3493457791
CUILOptionalstringOfficial ID number20123456789

Status code responses​

200 OK
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not found
500 Internal server error.

The full documentation error codes can be found here.

Response 200 status code​

"TELCOdata": {
"area code": "223",
"telco operator": "Telefonica de Argentina S.A.",
"service code": "SBT",
"type of service": "Basica",
"location": "Mar del Plata",
"assignment code": "SC2233/98",
"date of operations": "2/10/1998",
"status": "Valido"
"Ownership data": {
"lastName": "Gonzales",
"Names": "Carlos Alberto",
"Completenames": "Carlos Alberto Gonzales",
"dniNumber": "12345678",
"cuil": "20-12345678-9",
"idtype": "DNI",
"nationality": "Argentino",
"year": "1967",
"dateofbirth": "1967-10-05",
"deceased_date": null,
"age": "56",
"gender": "M",
"marital_status": "Soltero",
"observations": null,
"Location": "Buenos Aires",
"Province": "Buenos Aires",
"Postal_code": "C1000ABC",
"Address": "Av. Corrientes",
"Street_address": "Av. Corrientes",
"Street_number": "1234",
"Floor/Apt number": "5A"